Friday, June 22, 2012

A Woman's Prerogative

     It is a woman’s prerogative to change her mind, right? Well, I think I’m going to change my mind about biology. My professor is teaching a film class in the fall which I can use as one of my electives…hmmm.  Why would I want to study biology when I can study film? (The procrastinator in me is egging me on here, in case you couldn't tell...)  And I know the professor. Sounds like a win- win to me. I believe my well thought out fall schedule is going to get a total upheaval. I’ll keep you posted.

     You know how I occasionally brag about what a good speller I am? Well, I had a heck of a time with the word "prerogative". I hate to admit this, but I didn't know how to spell it. "Spell check" apparently can't spell it either, as it didn't automatically correct my butchered version of the word. I grabbed my trusty dictionary, which I keep by my computer, and for the life of me, I could not find this word. Here are some of the variations that I tried: perogative, perrogative, purogative, purrogative (the feline version).  No luck! Now I'm getting frustrated. Alas, Google to the rescue!  I Googled "a woman's perogative", and didn't the phrase pop up, with the correct spelling!  I never would have guessed that it began with "prer". This is not the first time that Google has gotten me out of a bind. I think Google is amazing!


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