Sunday, June 17, 2012

Volume Control

     Thirty something son recently went on a weekend getaway. So he texts me, saying that “he must be getting old”, because he had gone to a club and the music was too loud. I explained to him that, speaking from personal experience, quite the opposite is true. If he was getting old, or if he was already old, the music would not be loud enough. He ought to know-he recently bought me a blu ray player with surround sound. Why? I asked him for one because I cannot hear my television. The volume on my television at any given time would rival that of any band in any club. Just ask my neighbors. Recently I was watching Shane (for class), and at one point an explosion of gunfire erupts. The next day I read in the paper that there were reports of people hearing gunfire in the township. 
     Speaking of Shane, I was complaining to 30 something of exactly this scenario. I was unable to hear the dialogue, so I had the volume blaring, and when Shane fired his gun, I near catapulted through my ceiling. So when I go to class, Professor is discussing the movie, and guess what? That is exactly how the director designed the soundtrack, for effect. And hear, I thought it was me…
(Pun intended. I’m sure you know by now that I can spell.)

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