Wednesday, June 20, 2012


I am always in a panic
if there’s a test to be had.
When this short semester’s over
I will surely be glad.
Although I love film
and enjoy going to school,
I find the final exams…
are always a challenge!

As is my ability to rhyme, at times…..

     I’m just going to ramble today. There is nothing exciting or especially humorous to disclose, as I have been concentrating on preparing for my exam this coming Thursday.  I did ask 20 something son #1 how badly I could do on this exam and still pass the course, taking into consideration the other grades I have earned thus far. He indicated that I could pretty much get a zero and pass the course. Well that certainly isn’t going to happen. I am always paranoid when I am faced with an exam. However, I have found that I always
devote more time to my studies than my younger counterparts do. I worked on my last paper 8-9 hours (sorry if I’ve mentioned this repeatedly-considering my age that’s something you’d best get used to) whereas a 20 something in my class spent 2 hours on hers. I’ve been known to take days off of work, and even spend entire weekends preparing for an exam. (I actually did that once in Western Civ, and then I discovered I had studied the wrong chapters. Are you noticing a pattern here?)  My paranoia is somewhat excessive this semester, though. I attribute this to a number of contributing factors: this normally 16 week course is compressed into 5 weeks, I am under a good deal of pressure at work, and I am somewhat paranoid under the best of circumstances. On occasion, when I was very young, I would avoid studying for a test, and then pray that I would earn a good grade. (Dumb, I know. I'm talking grammar school here, and we started every day by attending Mass). Now I am studying like mad, and still praying for that good grade. I have been more successful lately, however. God does help those who help themselves.

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