Saturday, June 9, 2012

My Tribute to the Victims of 9/11

          "The Day America's Innocence Died" by Marcy Brice 09/14/2001

This is dedicated to the people who lost their lives
on the day America's innocence died.
To people in buildings, in planes, on the ground
in Washington, Pennsylvania, and New York town.
We honor your courage, defiance, and grace
while staring blatant evil and death in the face.
To the stewardess who had the presence of mind
to forward a perpetrator's seat number to the FBI.
To the people who crashed on Pennsylvania lands,
making sure no more would die at the terrorists' hands.
To those bound for New York who fought so hard for control
trying to deflect from the target's countless toll.
To the people in the towers, so brave and so true,
for helping peers and coworkers, carrying them through.
To the rescuers on the ground, for their tenacity and great courage
to sift through the ashes, the rubble, the carnage
to bring us back our loved ones, our friends, and fellow citizens.
We honor you, we salute you, both police and firemen.
To our brothers and sisters whose loved ones are missing or gone,
it's so important you know that you do not grieve alone.
There isn't one among us whose lives have gone untouched.
Now is the time to come together for the country we love so much.
God bless our great country, America, the red, the white, the blue.
We'll honor, we'll love and protect you.
To our homeland we'll always be true.

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