Sunday, June 3, 2012


     It happened again! I spent the better part of Memorial Day weekend on my studies, and was becoming increasingly alarmed. I am experiencing that familiar feeling of being overwhelmed again due to the volume of work I have to do. How will I manage the rest of the semester when there are no more three day weekends? I decided to reread the course syllabus on Tuesday, and came to the realization that I have misinterpreted it again! I did two weeks worth of assignments last weekend instead of one. Whew! What a relief! On a positive note, I am a little ahead of schedule. That’s a real perk considering the class is just 5 weeks in duration. I am confident that I will interpret the course syllabus accurately the 4th time around. You know the old saying: if at first you don't succeed... get one of your children to help you!
     I spent all of this afternoon doing homework: I watched “The Graduate” & “Shane”. Now this is my kind of homework! They should have invented this concept a long time ago! 
     I was discussing my fall schedule with a friend, and I indicated to her that I will be studying biology. “Ooh”, she replied, “will you be required to do any dissecting?”   “I sure hope not. The course is “human biology”.

1 comment:

barnegatkim said...

Oddly enough they give medical students fetal pigs to dissect. Seems that many of their parts are human-like. Here's to hoping you have no pigs in your future. Four-legged or two ;)