Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Over the Moon

     I was discussing the upcoming weekend with 30-something son, and I indicated to him that I was not making any plans since I have so much homework to do…30-something’s response: “Are you sure?”  He suggested I should reread my syllabus. I suggested to him that he is a wiseguy.
     I received my graded paper on Casablanca, and I got an “A”. Professor was highly complimentary of my writing.  I was so happy, I was over the moon! It was very gratifying having such positive feedback, especially considering that I hold him in such high esteem and I value his opinion.  I have one more paper to submit and one exam to take next week, and then, unfortunately, this class will be completed. This is a class that I would have preferred to have spread over the 16 weeks. My BFF suggested I take the courses I don’t like in the summer, since they will be over quicker. I consider that concept very enticing, but unfortunately, none of those classes (and I won't disclose which ones they are) fit my schedule this year. Therefore, in the second half of the summer, I am taking Creative Writing. This is another course I would like to have had spread out over 16 weeks, but alas, it is not to be. My next sixteen week course (in the fall) will be Biology. Ugh!

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