Saturday, June 23, 2012

How Do You Spell Relief?

     How do you spell relief? Well, certainly not R-o-l-a-i-d-s…I would say it’s two words, spelled like so:  s-e-m-e-s-t-e-r  o-v-e-r. I had my final exam in Film Study Thursday evening.  I’m sure there are many of you who are equally relieved, as you have probably tired of hearing me agonizing over my upcoming exam for the past week. Of course, it wasn’t as difficult as I had anticipated (except for the glossary terms), but then, I do apply myself. I simply need to have more confidence in my abilities. My professor surely has boosted my confidence. His praise and support have actually caught me by surprise, as positive reinforcement has always been lacking in my life. It is very flattering and gratifying (not to mention motivating) to have someone of his caliber praise my work, and more importantly, believe in me.
     After having completed three semesters since my return to college last fall, I am at long last becoming acclimated. I am now finding it easier to talk with the younger students, and I find some of them to be quite interesting. One in particular, I found especially intriguing. She has a double major and attends a prestigious university. (She was enrolled at my College for a summer course). On the first night I met her, I was discussing one of my favorite topics, i.e., being an older student. “You’re not old” she elucidated. “I had a gentleman in one of my classes who was 80”!  (I wish I had been in his class. Then I would have been one of the “youngsters”).  In any event, she was visibly impressed with this man, and displayed a very positive attitude toward older students. I found this to be endearing, as of late I am noticing the disdain that some of the younger people have for older folks, but that is a topic for another post.  Moving right along, I managed to spend time talking with her every week. On the last night of class, she was recounting to me studies she had conducted  with her “neuroscience” class, without a hint of condescension. Now that’s impressive! I hope I am fortunate enough to cross paths with her again.
     I am fairly certain that I am going to take that other film class in the fall. I am working on a schedule which will allow me to take 3 classes in a nicely condensed two days per week. This will afford me time for studying, quality time with Buddy (my 106 lb. Lab), and time to pound the pavement.  Besides which, I have so much to do at home…I need to spend time cleaning and organizing my apartment, tasks which are not a priority when I have class, not to mention organizing my repertoire of literary works. A condensed schedule will also afford me more time to write! Lucky you! Lucky me!!!!

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