Saturday, June 2, 2012

Film Class

     I love, love, love my film class. Over 5 week’s time, I will read about movies, watch movies (10 to be exact), analyze movies, write about movies, and talk about movies, and when I’m done with all of this movie mania, I will have earned 3 college credits! Can you beat that? Last night I spent 1 hour and 40 minutes in class, and for an hour, we discussed Casablanca, one of the great classics, and one of my all time favorites, which, incidentally, I recently viewed on the big screen. This is also the film I chose as the topic of my first paper. Professor asked who in the class enjoyed writing their paper. No, you don’t have to wonder. My hand shot up like that of a youngster without arthritis. He queried me briefly about the content, and then followed a glorious lecture and discussion about Casablanca and other films. Of course I dated myself again. When names like June Allyson & Luella Parsons came up, no one knew who they were-except me, and the single older student who sits next to me. I honestly don’t know if the youngsters in the class will really appreciate the great film classics. I guess if they are true movie buffs they will. I grew up on these films, watching “Million Dollar Movie” and “Picture for a Sunday Afternoon” with my folks. That is where my love of films originated. As for the writing-that came from my Dad, who was a poet, albeit unpublished. The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree.

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