Thursday, June 14, 2012

Jeeps, Vans, and SUV's

Do you realize that I                 
am not able to see
through your oversize van
or your SUV?
Not your 4 wheel drive truck
or your obnoxious jeep.
So slow down and try to
keep an eye out for me.

     People who are driving oversize, unnecessary, dangerous vehicles do not realize that these vehicles are not transparent.  This is an issue that drives me to distraction.  For instance, when I’m driving on the highway, it is impossible to see the traffic conditions up ahead, unless I am lucky enough to have a compact car in front of me, which is only rarely.  When I’m backing out of a parking spot, which I do very slowly if my vision is obscured, which is all the time because so few people own compact cars anymore, I have had people whizzing by while laying on the horn. When people are in a crosswalk, a vehicle is supposed to stop, as the pedestrian has the right of way. I’m okay with that, except what about the person behind the SUV with no ability to see ahead? That in itself is an accident waiting to happen.
     My personal favorite occurs by schools. It happened today on my way to work. (It happens daily, actually). But today was different. A guy in a van pulls over to let his kid out and he stops directly behind the crosswalk. So when I am driving down the street, how am I supposed to see the kids crossing in front of his van before they are directly in front of me? Big surprise!  I can’t!  I expressed to this guy today that he shouldn’t park there. Looking decidedly puzzled, he asked me “why not”? Because I can’t see children through your van, you damned fool!!!!!!  No, I didn’t say that. I simply stated in exasperation that I couldn’t see. Then, the situation goes from bad to worse when he starts driving while looking at me and nearly runs a girl over!  Perhaps that got his attention. I hope it was a wake up call. What do you think? Personally, I’m not convinced.
     Common sense is all that is required. “Van Man” apparently doesn’t have any.  And a whole lot of other folks out there as well. Personally, I do not give a hoot how high the gas prices go, because the higher they are, the fewer of these gas guzzling, 4,000 lb. hazards will be on the roads.

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