Wednesday, March 13, 2013

"Like a Charm"

     This past weekend, the 50-Something Freshman had a date like she never had before-with a Doctor!  It was a simple, but fun and relaxed, date.  We went to the local coffee shop, where we sipped flavored lattes and munched on decadent chocolate chip cookies.  Our conversation flowed much like the coffee, it was robust and plentiful.  Having known each other for a time, we didn’t encounter any of those awkward pauses that are common on a first date.  For ninety plus minutes, we discussed a myriad of topics:  movies, travel, and education, to name a few.  There was a young couple sitting next to us the entire time, not uttering one word to each other.  The woman was on her I-Pad and the fellow was listening to his I-Pod. I imagine that to be virtual intimacy of the twenty first century. Young people in coffee shops and restaurants don’t communicate with each other.  I witnessed a more alarming display from another couple.  The fellow was actually talking to the girl, attempting to engage her in conversation, but instead of looking at him, she had her phone perched directly in front of her- at eye level.  I wonder did she have to trade in her manners when she purchased the phone, kind of like a used car…  When I go to a coffee shop or restaurant with friends, it is because I wish to spend time with them, and vice versa! If I were to whip out my I-Pad, I-Phone, or I-Pod, other than to take an important call from my kids, it would be our last social encounter, and I would feel the same way about them.  One time I was out with one of the sons and his girlfriend, and they whipped out their phones during dinner.  I immediately commented that if the phones didn’t disappear, I wasn’t paying... Worked like a charm!

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