Tuesday, March 5, 2013

"I'm Melting"

      Every time I think my face can’t fall down anymore…it falls down some more.  My once round, full, “Jennifer Lawrence-esque” cheeks are transforming themselves into jowls as rapidly as an express elevator headed down with no one manning the controls.  My face is beginning to look like soft ice cream on a summer afternoon, folds of soft flesh gently cascading downward, like melting ice cream draped over a sugar cone.  I take pictures of myself pretty regularly, looking for attractive shots that I can post on my blog or on FB.  Recently, while perusing them with my BFF, I opined that I feel as if I aged overnight, that all of a sudden, I am looking so, well, old.  Astonished, she asked me “just how young did you think you looked?”  Apparently not as young as I'd thought...Oh what a world...

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