Thursday, March 21, 2013

"Canine Cold Shoulder"


                                            "Buddy's reaction when I told him I'm going back to work"

      I am concerned about Buddy, my Chocolate Lab, developing “separation anxiety” when I  return to the work force.  Or should I say, I fear his existing “separation anxiety” will worsen considerably, ultimately becoming extreme.  When I get up in the morning, it is usually not by choice, but because the four legged fellow with the big wet nose is nudging me.  I head for the bathroom, and the Buds will usually lie in wait outside the door, whimpering as though I’d moved in permanently. One odd morning, after I showered, perplexed by the unusual quiet, I emerged to find him eating a potholder.  (I know. I should have put it away.)
     My frequent trips to the laundry room will have him standing on the love seat, frantically panting and spewing doggie saliva all over the window sill, as he tries to get a glimpse of me, hopefully on my way back. At times, I will come home to him howling pitifully, like a lone wolf on a moonlit night. The other day, I went out for a few hours, and upon my return, Buddy followed me all over the apartment.  Feeling rather mischievous, I began pacing in circles, amusing myself as he continued to follow me.  When I tired of pacing, I stood in the middle of the living room, doing a pirouette, and he circled me relentlessly, rather like we were engaged in a canine version of Cowboys and Indians. 
     I fear that his appetite for books will resurface, or that he may nibble on my sofa.  He was previously prone to both, even when Aurora was still with us. The problem is that now, aside from still missing Aurora, he’s spoiled.  He has become far too accustomed to having me here with him most of the time.  What kind of mischief might he get himself into next?  Stay tuned…

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