Sunday, May 26, 2013

"You Can't Make This Stuff Up!"

     As most of you know, I moved to a new apartment recently, after living with twenty something son #1 for four years.  I (mistakenly) notified the Post Office of my address change, online, a few days prior to my move.  I did an "individual Change of address" (as opposed to a family change of address.  I imagine you know where I'm going with this.)  Needless to say, my son's mail has been forwarded to my new apartment.  I called the Post Office Friday, and they implied that I must have done a "family change" by mistake. I was confident that I hadn't, but gave them my confirmation number, and had them verify.  Yes, I had done it correctly.  I did the individual change.  They instituted some kind of investigation, and they are supposed to call me on Tuesday.  So on Saturday, the very next day, I get my mail.  In addition to my own mail, I received my son's mail.  No surprise there.  I also received his girlfriend's mail.  (She recently changed her address to my former-on her own-not through the P.O.)  And yes, this goes from bad to worse to worst. Included with all of the forwarded mail was a confirmation of my change of address from the Post Office.  It was addressed to "CURRENT RESIDENT", at my former address.   So, to be clear,  the Post Office is verifying my change of address with whatever Tom, Dick, or Harry may have moved into my former address.  (Oh, did I mention that the Post Office included a privacy notice with my original confirmation?)  Then, in an act of increasingly unimaginable stupidity, they automatically forwarded the anonymous confirmation request to my new address (which turned out to be a good thing).  I was shaking in anger when I received the notice, and I am shaking in anger as I write this.  
     Luckily for me, strangers did not move into my new apartment.  Luckily for my son and his girl, their mail is being delivered to his mother.  I forgot to add that I am also receiving mail for the former tenant at my new apartment.  I can't help but think someone might get this simple address change straight, if only they would remove the omnipresent cell phone from their grasp!  I can't adequately express how often I have seen the mail delivered by a carrier whose head is cocked to one side, because he is talking on his phone.  Shall I go on?  The mail is never placed inside the box.  It is standing up, exposed to the elements.  I have received soaking wet mail, and have found countless pieces of mail on the ground, or even in the parking lot!  What the Fudge!  Wait until I get them on the phone Tuesday.  It won't be pretty.

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