Monday, May 27, 2013

"Cable Catastrophe"

     On to the cable company.  Here was our plan (twenty-something son #1 and I, that is).  I would have the technician come to the old apartment, disconnect all of my cable equipment, hook up the son's new cable equipment, and then come to my new apartment and hook my stuff up.  Seems simple, don't you think?  Well, of course it could not be done this way.  First of all, I had to disconnect all of my cable equipment myself, and bring it to my new apartment.  Additionally, they wanted me to hook it up myself, but since I am not employed by the cable company, I declined.  Needless to say, I had to pay for a technician to come out.  Secondly, they could not hook my son's cable up on the same day, because my service would be disconnected.  Make sense to you?  Me, neither!  So I had the technician come on the day I moved, Thursday, and my son made his appointment for Friday.  I told the technician upon his arrival that I had brought all my stuff as I had been instructed.  "Why", he queried.  "I have all new equipment for you..."  (So why did I unhook and transport all of this stuff?)  "No, thank you", I replied, decidedly bewildered.  "Just hook up my existing equipment...."  So the technician got busy,  and before he left, everything was working just fine.  When I got up the next morning, I had no cable TV or phone service, although I did have internet.  The problem could not be fixed over the phone, even though I explained that I was sure my service had been disconnected.  A technician had to come out.  Guess what?  They had disconnected my service overnight.  The technician corrected the problem, then checked the TV and phone.  Since both were functional, he promptly left.  Then I tried to get on the internet.  It was disconnected.  I had to call the cable company to have them set up my "new" service.  The next day, I didn't have phone service, and I still don't.  I am so sick of dealing with these people that I am not willing to invest another minute of my time.  (I know.  It's kind of like cutting off my nose to spite my face!)  The saga is not over yet.  I received a letter of confirmation from the cable company indicating that my Email address was changed and that I added a user on my account...OMG!  All I did was move!!!!!!!
     Did this seem like a particularly difficult transaction-moving?  Not to me, and probably not to most of my readers.  Too bad none of us works for the cable company.  We could show them how it's done!

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