Sunday, May 5, 2013

"On My Own Terms"

     This past Wednesday, I dragged myself, kicking and screaming all the way, to school.  I had missed three classes, and I did not want to go on this night. (Thank God for technology.  I was able to Email my papers directly to the Professor when they were due.)
      The problem was that I was compelled to attend, as I had a test to take.  I already missed one test, and I could not afford to miss another.  The impact on my grade, and ultimately my GPA, would have been devastating.  So I arrive at school, sit down at my desk, and am immediately happy to be there.  It wasn't going to school that I minded, it was the thought of going to school.  This was my last class of the semester, except for my final this coming Wednesday, and I am so glad that I didn't cop out.  I got an 85 on my test, received a paper back (A), and got another test back (100). ( I may do very well in this class after all.)  I am usually anal about my grades, and absolutely driven to earn A's.  This past semester was different, though.  Not having a job, and then landing a job, definitely had an impact on my outlook and performance.  Consequently, I have decided to take the summer off.  I want to focus on my new job, as I have a lot to learn.  I am also becoming acclimated to the commute.  (Not to mention that I am moving the 15th of this month.)  By September, I should be ready to get back into the groove of going to school.  I do, however, hate it that I am missing the class I had planned on for Summer 1-Introduction to Business and Technical Writing.  However, I have reasoned that, since I waited this long to return to school anyway, a couple of months isn't going to make that much of a difference at this stage in my life.  I am too old to put that king of pressure on myself.  It is preferable to me that I take my time, do well in my classes,  and do well at my job.  I am trying to strike the right balance, and do it all, on my own terms.

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