Sunday, May 5, 2013

"Bargain Watch"

     I love going to yard sales, flea markets, and thrift shops, always in search of a bargain.  I have furnished most of my apartment in this manner, saving myself thousands of dollars, and having purchased cozy furniture that I (and my dog) can "live on".  I am not worried if the dog climbs on the furniture, or drools on it, or sheds on it.  I am not constantly chasing him off, which I most assuredly would do, had I invested  a lot of money.  For me, it's a matter of priorities.  Mine are: 1. I want to be debt free. The yard sales, flea markets, and thrift stores that I patronize do not accept credit cards.  2. I want to cuddle with my dog when I read or watch TV.  I used to sit on the floor rather than have him on the furniture with me, and then I decided that was ridiculous. (Besides which I couldn't tolerate the hard floor anymore).  I put a quilt on the love seat, and that is officially our spot.  3. I want to be comfortable.  I don't want to stress if I spill something, or if the furniture gets a little dusty (or hairy).  4. I am a shopaholic.  I can mollify my desire by investing a minimal amount, and coming home with adorable odds and ends for my apartment (or myself) and money in my wallet.
     Sometimes, however, my tactics will backfire.  Like with the black jacket I bought-the one with the red pinstripes.  I spent more trying to match it than I would have on a new suit.  Something similar has now happened with an adorable watch I picked up.  It is pewter, and the band tan,trimmed in brown.  It was adorable, unique, and a real bargain at $.99.  I tried it on at home, and the band immediately broke.  I took it to the jewelry store, bought a battery ($10.00), and a new band ($19.95).  The band is a deep pink, with a delicate design in it.  Needless to say, it doesn't match anything I own.  I guess I should have chosen a black or red band (to match my jacket), or gone to Wal-Mart and bought a new watch for $11.00.

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