Monday, May 27, 2013

"Electricity, or Lack Thereof"

     My tales of woe are not limited to my frustrating dealings with the Post Office. Throughout my move, only the gas company got it right.  I called them, they came on the agreed upon day, and they turned on my gas.  Period.  End of story.  The electric and cable companies, however, were a horse of another color.  I called the electric company on 5/10,  notified them of my move, gave them the new address, and arranged to have the electric turned on at the new apartment on 5/15.  Everything went off without a hitch, and then the bills started arriving.  Not bill, as in one and only.  Bills.  As in numerous.  Four, to be exact.  First I received a final bill for the old apartment.  Then I received a second (?) final bill for the old apartment.  Then I received a bill in my name for the new apartment.  Then I received a bill addressed to "occupant" of the new apartment.  This one was the icing on the cake.  It indicated that someone had been using the electricity there, but that no one had applied for service...  This particular bill was dated 5/21.  Oh, by the way, it also indicated that service was to be disconnected...Does anyone pay attention to what they are doing anymore?  Dare I say it? What the Fudge!  Stay tuned...I will give an update on this scenario, provided, of course, that my electricity isn't disconnected.

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