Thursday, January 31, 2013

"Baby Boomer Undergrad"

     I have never considered myself to be a “Baby Boomer”.  My birth was not the result of a war, not a global war, anyway.  I have discovered that I am, at least statistically, a Baby Boomer, since I was born between the years of 1946-1964 (and no, I will not resort to age specificity). 
     There were a number of significant wars during my parents’ lifetime.  My father, however, never served in the military.  I was actually more of a change of life baby, or a second childhood baby, or the result of those strong maternal tugs that stubbornly adhere themselves to a woman’s heart, the way a comfortable dress with static cling adheres to her body.   Both are difficult to ignore.
      Multitudes of Baby Boomers are returning to college, for a number of reasons. Some, like me, want to finish what was started in their youth. Many are seeking a career change, possibly motivated by job loss.   Others seek personal enrichment. Intellectual stimulation seems to be favored over leisurely retirement.
     My son’s girlfriend has indicated that there are an abundance of older students in her college. Many of them are endeavoring to achieve some lofty goals.  In my school, there are a small number, and I rarely see them.  However, I did run into one of my son’s 20-something friends. Obviously surprised, he inquired of me what I was doing there.  Coincidentally, we have the same major and an equal number of credits.  We may even be in the same graduating class.  I didn't stop to think that he may have been embarrassed talking to me.  It did occur to me as he quickly excused himself once I started recommending professors...

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