Monday, January 7, 2013

"A Lover of Books"

     I am a lover of books.  I truly love to read, but I find that time constraints do not allow for the amount of reading I would like to do. The picture above is of the books I received for Christmas, two of which were from me, to me.  I sat down and read two of the books cover to cover, practically non stop.  Is it possible that I will be able to read the remaining eight before I return to school later this month?  Doubtful, especially considering I went to Barnes & Noble last night, bought two more books, and four magazines.  Three of the magazines will probably be added to the foot high pile that is adorning one of my bookcases, waiting patiently for me to recall that they are there, and embrace them.
     Historically, I oftentimes bought my books, as opposed to utilizing the library.  I have come to realize that this was not always a good investment.  Not the books themselves of course, but the fact that it sometimes takes me so long to actually read them, that by the time I do, my tastes may have changed, and I may have lost interest in the subject matter. 
     When I was young, I was addicted to romance novels, my favorite author being Kathleen Woodiwiss.  I had time on my hands before I had my family, and on average I read a book per week.  I tired of romance as I grew older and somewhat cynical, graduating to historical fiction.  I devoured titles like Year of WondersThe Red Tent, Queenmaker, and One Thousand White Women, as they each depicted the lives of strong women.  I subsequently purchased countless similar titles, many of which are packed away in my son's attic, in a holding pattern similar to that of my magazines. 
     Currently, and for the last few years, I relish memoirs and biographies. I have read of Oskar Schindler, Truman Capote, Virginia Kelley, Lee Krasner, and Alice Sebold, to name a few.  I recently read My Berlin Kitchen, The Daily CoyoteJanuary First, and The End of Your Life Book Club, all of which were "non put down-able"!  I am mesmerized (not surprisingly) by memoirs about people and their pets.  Some of my favorites are Chosen by a HorseIzzy & Lenore, Good Dog, Stay, and Ever by My Side.  Sadly, I have cried my way through some of them, privately commiserating with the author as their pets pass.
     For a time after my divorce, I had forgotten how much I love to read.  My return to school, and a particular professor, resurrected that passion, and I am grateful.  What a joy it is to be curled up on the love seat with my lab, reading the night away!  It gives Buddy great joy, too!
     I could go on and on, listing additional titles of wonderful books that I have read, many of which I long to read again, many of which I have already.  Years back, I read The Virgin Blue, by Tracy Chevalier.  This story was so compelling that, when I finished it, I went directly back to page one and read it again. 
     My eternal favorites stay close by on my bookcases,  in a different type of holding pattern.  They lie in wait for me to revisit them, and they give me comfort, just knowing they are there.  Seems like a good investment after all.

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