Thursday, January 17, 2013

"Before and After"


      The job search is an ongoing cause for anxiety.  I am not pounding the pavement.  I am pounding on a keyboard, and my fingertips are developing calluses.  I am also bleary eyed from staring at the computer screen for hours on end.  Fingers crossed that I will find something soon...    
     With four months of unemployment under my belt, I am finally developing my own sense of rhythm, and adapting to the manner in which things are done now, in these technologically advanced times that we live in.  Prior to losing my job recently, the last time I looked for a job was nine years ago.  I bought a newspaper, looked in the classifieds for the appropriate job titles, obtained the fax and phones numbers, and faxed my resume to the prospective employer.  A few days later, I would call the Human Resources Department to  schedule an appointment for an interview.  The interview would go well (of course), and result in a second interview.  I would follow up, and then I would receive a job offer.  Additionally, the ratio of applications to job offers was much more in my favor at that time.  Things have certainly changed since 2004.  I am constantly adapting to new technology, and have submitted my resume to countless companies, without the use of a fax machine.  Today I had a meltdown because I was experiencing difficulty with my new scanner.  I managed to scan the document, a job application, but then I couldn't find it!  Knowing how technologically challenged I am, I started early.  If I didn't figure it out, I would still have had time to find a fax machine locally...
     Father time is not on my side either.  I therefore went online to search out hairstyles that are geared not only to "50-something" women, but also to job seekers.  They advise that one never goes on an interview with (gray) roots, as they age you.  (I guess I'll be coloring every three weeks going forward).  Additionally, I promptly went to the hairdresser and had four inches chopped off my long locks.  (I hate the new haircut).  I am not a fan of even moderately short hair, but I felt that a shorter cut would look more professional.  I have also invested in some more new duds, taking advantage of the end of season sales.  (I didn't go to this much trouble trying to land my last husband!)   I am becoming exhausted just writing all of this.  Calgon, take me away...



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