Saturday, January 12, 2013

"Sneak Preview"

     Here is an update on "the comedian".  I told you about him.  I met him on the internet dating site.  He's the one who looks like my ex husband. (Perhaps that was an omen!)  We had a nice lunch, although he assumed we were gong to spend the evening together, and he therefore "kept his evening wide open".  I was never unclear about our date being limited to lunch.  In fact, I originally only wanted to meet for coffee... Red flag number one.
    We had a few subsequent phone conversations, and then suddenly I didn't hear from him when he promised to call. (That's surprising, isn't it girls?  A guy who says he's going to call, and then doesn't...Apparently this trait is not altered by age!)  A couple of weeks go by, and he Emails me.  He had injured his foot, and was in a lot of pain.  I responded sympathetically.  Then I receive another Email...containing a picture...of his foot!  And if that wasn't creepy enough, he indicated that the picture was a "sneak preview".   I was afraid to ask of what.  I was too stunned, and somewhat disturbed, to respond. Now, I'm not naive, and I'm no prude. But I considered that comment to be  rather presumptuous of him... Red flag number two.  Additionally, it appears that my lack of response irritated him, because next he left me a sarcastic voice mail message about my not contacting him  to see how he was feeling. Red flag number three. I guess I neglected to tell him that I don't tolerate sarcasm.  I also failed to mention that:  three strikes, and you're out!
     When I was younger, I probably would have ignored these red flags, and been swayed by his good looks.  No more though.  I've had too much of an education to ignore such things.  In the words of my late mom: "you can't eat good looks".  Agreed.  In the words of my late grandmother: "yeah, but if you have nothing to eat, at least have something to look at".  I have plenty to eat.  And Buddy is very handsome.  I've got the best of both worlds! 

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