Tuesday, January 1, 2013

"Happy New Year"

     Happy New Year everyone!  Welcome to my 100th post!

     Anyone who knows me is aware of how much I utterly detest New Year's Eve.  I am most grateful this morning that I don't have to face another one for an entire year!  Much to my surprise, the first Happy New Year greeting that I received in 2013, at 12:15 A.M., was from Prince Charming! (He woke me up!)  I am pleased that  he was thinking of me on two major holidays.  (He texted me on Christmas also!).  Perhaps I'll meet him before the year is out.  We've been moving at a snail's pace, communicating since the summer.  Imagine if he was the  only potential suitor on my horizon. I'd never have a date!  Ah well, I always have Buddy...
     I received my grades for the fall semester.  I earned two A's, and I have a 3.88 GPA.  I am now preparing for the spring semester.  Once again I am registered for Biology, and once again, I am second guessing my decision.  I pore over the course catalogue the way a chef pores over recipes, or a lover of books peruses library shelves.  Last semester, I registered and subsequently dropped or altered approximately a dozen courses, ultimately settling on two.  This time, I merely scheduled Biology.   I would prefer to take two (easier) courses, as I fear Bio will entail more difficulty than I could handle while starting a new job.  (That is, provided I find a new job.)  Additionally, my former employer allowed me to work early hours, so school never interfered.  I don't know if Bio will prove to be a conflict, as it starts at 5:40.  I found two courses that start at 6:00, Spanish and, appropriately, Psychology of Aging.  Neither of these would conflict with work, and I would earn six more credits.  What to do?!?!?
     I am starting my New Year off with one of my favorite activities.  I am seeing a movie with one of my BFF's.  Considering I have such difficulty with decision making, I'm asking her to choose...

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