Wednesday, January 23, 2013

"Committed: Sometimes I Think I Should Be"

     So, I just trekked over to the college to purchase my textbook for class tonight. (You will note that “textbook” is singular!)  First of all, I exercised my right to be thrifty by renting my book instead of purchasing it, thereby saving myself $30.00.  That will help to compensate for the money I lost by withdrawing from Spanish.  (I told you I should be committed. By the way, does anyone want to buy a Spanish-English dictionary?)   
     Fortunately for me, being fickle isn’t a symptom of insanity.  Seriously, I have a valid reason for dropping that particular class.  (I know what you’re thinking-haven’t we heard this from you before?)  Well...yes.  But this is different, really.  I anticipate that I will be starting a new job soon, with what will be for me, a longer commute than I am accustomed to.  Considering I am so anal about my grades, I felt it would behoove me to take one class that I can excel in (Psychology of Aging-ya think?), rather than achieve mediocre grades in multiple classes.  Furthermore, I don’t want to overextend myself.  I will need full concentration to learn a new job.
      So I’m in line with all of the kiddies in the college book store.  Very apropos that the book I was holding was Psychology of Aging, while they had colorful socks, bubble gum, wild earrings, and, oh yeah, some textbooks.  I was actually quite embarrassed, and tried in futility to conceal mine.
      One of the older students in my Communications class had indicated that the students attending day classes were dressed as if they were in a fashion show. Could’ve fooled me!  That is, unless it was a “Fruit of the Loom” fashion show!

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