Monday, October 1, 2012

"Wedding Guest"

     I can't help but think that there’s something wrong with this wedding. First of all, it isn’t mine. You know me-always a bridesmaid, never a bride… I’ve got Catherine Heigel’s “27 Dresses” saga beat, tenfold.  Okay, that is a bit of a stretch…I did have a couple weddings of my own. However, I never did the elaborate church production, white gown thing either time. I was far too impulsive.  I do, however, know of people who go that route every time…I find it puzzling. But, to each his own...
     One thing I detest about weddings is the choice of music at the reception.  I am particularly irritated when they slow things down in order to “get all of the couples” on the dance floor.  This concept is especially insensitive to recent divorcees and widows or widowers.  I can certainly understand that the DJ or band leader may be disinclined to consider such issues, but there is no excuse for the bride and groom. Some people are just too self absorbed to consider the feelings of others. Or maybe they are simply preoccupied.  Either way, it is unpleasant for the guest who is on their own.
     I seriously doubt that I would ever travel down the marriage road again. Being of a certain age, one is faced with a whole new set of issues.  Failing health and limited mobility are an eventual probability, on both sides.  One thing is absolute-I am getting too old to be bending down picking up some man’s dirty laundry.  Who would help me up?  
     Additionally, any money or material possessions I have, I earned.  Granted, I don’t have much, but nevertheless, what I have is mine, and I’m not sharing.  I also value my independence. I sleep with my TV on all night, I have the bed to myself, I come and go as I please, and I rarely cook.  The only male I am committed to is my 106 lb. Lab, and he has yet to master the art of backtalk.  So, the next time I am invited to one of these white dress events, I will politely decline, and spend the evening cuddling with my “silent” significant other, the one who walks on all fours, is extraordinarily handsome, and loves me to bits.

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