Wednesday, October 3, 2012


     I love proverbs. My mother had a zillion of them. When proverbs are a category on Jeopardy, I almost always know the correct response. This week, I put a couple of those proverbs to work. My mom would be so proud...
     1. “Do write, fear no man. Don’t write, fear no woman”.  Some of my fellow tenants had a wild party Saturday night that lasted until 2:00 A.M. They had a barbeque in our apartment courtyard, and served lots of booze.  Since this has become a weekly occurrence, I hit the boiling point, and brought my concerns to management. The neighbor who hosted the party was “smart” enough to send out invitations to all of us tenants, and it clearly indicated that beer would be served. Hence, “don't write, fear no woman”. I provided the office with a copy of the invitation, along with a detailed dissertation describing the events of the evening, accompanied by the rules on our leases, which nobody adheres to, except me.
     2. “A picture is worth a thousand words.”  Some of these neighbors were none too bright, as they left their empty shot glasses, and a myriad of other evidence (their trash) on the front porch. Oh, the handrail was broken, too. I took five or six photos, and included them with the invitation and my dissertation. I pointed out that this would certainly be a deterrent to prospective tenants. That may help gain management’s attention.
     3. “The pen is mightier than the sword.”  Anyone who knows me knows that I can write a scathingly hostile (and effective) letter or poem.  I am quite certain that my powers of persuasion will have an impact on the party situation, and even if it doesn’t, it is cause enough for me to break my lease. 
     4. “Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned.”  I don’t think I need to elaborate on this one…
     By the way, all the little party animals are annoyed with me because I confronted them about the situation. Wait until they find out I complained to the office as well!
     Of course, I don’t know what makes them think people might want to sleep at night…

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