Thursday, October 11, 2012

"Pounding the Pavement"

“The Love of My Life”

Finally, I have found the great love of my life,

Through my pad and my pen, it’s my ability to write.

This love will surely never break my heart.

From other loves, this is what sets her apart.

It is this great love through which I will heal

By channeling all of the emotions I feel.

She has always been with me whenever I cried.

Because of her I’ve had the strength to abide.

I will always be grateful for this talent I possess.

I realize in my heart, that I’ve truly been blessed.

     I penned this little piece in July for my Creative Writing class, at a time when I was feeling quite upbeat.  Since then, I have lost my job. It wasn’t unexpected, but the negative impact it has had on me was…Strangely, I’ve hardly been writing in the last five weeks that I’ve been unemployed, not even in my journal. Additionally, I’ve only written two or three blog posts, and only one poem. 
     This is so out of character for me.  Over the summer, there were many days when I would sit at my computer happily writing for eight hours at a clip.  So why is my writing eluding me now when I need it so badly?  I forced myself to go out for a walk today, as the weather was picture perfect, and regular exercise has also been lacking in my life.  I contemplated my dilemma further while briskly pounding the pavement (no, not that kind. I job hunt daily. Mostly, my fingers do the walking!)  I became aware that it is probably that  I   have abandoned writing,  rather than the reverse. 
     Sometimes I allow being downhearted to get the best of me. Today I came to the familiar realization that I need to push myself to get on with it. Moreover, I gave some thought to folks who have more severe problems than I, some of which can’t be fixed. I only have to read the news to realize how fortunate I am.  It is time to get off the pity pot, and revert back to my “attitude of gratitude”. I have a lot to be grateful for…

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