Friday, October 12, 2012

"Burning Bridges"

     This week I found school to be both gratifying and enlightening. I had my first exam in Communications, and my grade was “A+”. Professor noted the students’ names and corresponding test grades on the blackboard, and mine was on top. (I was so proud.) Twenty-something son #1 philosophized that we were probably listed by age, beginning with the oldest! The stinker!
     I never cease to be amazed at the number of students who come to class totally unprepared.  Every week a minimum of three students will indicate that they haven’t performed the required reading. This happens in my Communications class as well as Fiction & Film. We had a test on a novel this evening, a novel that we had six weeks to read.  One student indicated that he had watched a corresponding documentary, and another indicated that he had watched the corresponding movie. All pretty standard shirking methods, right?  Another, more innovative student, explained his unique method, which I feel compelled to share with you: he reads the first ten pages, the last ten pages, and twenty pages in the middle. Who needs Cliff notes? 
     These kids are also not concerned if they earn a bad grade because generally, a professor will drop the lowest test grade.  I remember going to class occasionally unprepared back in High School, but we certainly never had that luxury, at least not in the strict Catholic school that I attended.
     And here’s a little tidbit about my latest internet dating escapade!  I had a message from a thirty nine year old, indicating that he thought I was cute. (First let me say that he really made my day. I even shared his assessment on Facebook!)  So I perused his profile, and he appears to be no more than twenty five.  He also stated that he’s looking for a girl to share his life. (That leaves me out.) So I politely thanked him for the compliment, and indicated to him that our age difference would prove to be problematic. I have to admit he is pretty cute. I let him know I thought so, too!  No need to burn bridges…

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