Monday, October 15, 2012

"Bridge Not Burned"

     Well, the young man is persistent. He indicated that the age difference would not matter, and if we enjoy eachother’s company, that’s what counts. He also is the first of these guys to ask about ME! Simple stuff, like how was my day, and what do I do for fun. No one else that I spoke to asked me anything about myself. And here’s another thing-he can spell, and write in sentences! This fellow is beginning to look very appealing.  Most of the guys I’ve encountered can’t spell or use proper grammar.
     When I was young, I liked to go out with older men.  Back in my twenties, I was perfectly okay with the May-December romance. (Conversely, I am not okay with it now.)  Additionally, now I have metamorphosed into December, although I prefer to think of myself October.  He is more like March. I know I would never have the energy to keep up with this guy, and I doubt he would be okay with my subdued lifestyle. But he is so cute…and quite frankly, I really like that he knows how to write properly...
No surprise there...

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