Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Two Steps Forward...

     I’m sure you all remember that I am somewhat “technologically challenged”.  I’ve certainly kept it no secret. Well, I have been blogging for three months now, and I have been wondering why I have no followers since I know a good number of people read regularly. Then, a friend of mine registered as a follower yesterday, but I could not find her anywhere. Little did I know that I needed to enable the function!    My lunch hour today was dedicated to that challenging endeavor. It took a few tries, but I finally got it. I’m learning.  That was actually my second technological success this week. My 30-something son had recently bought me a new printer/scanner/copier.  This past Sunday I became quite ambitious, and managed to not only hook the unit up, but I've got it functioning. The only problem is that it is stuck on “color picture mode”, and I have yet to figure out how to change it. Does this qualify as “two steps forward, and one step back” , or, in the words of Meat Loaf, "two out of three ain’t bad"?       

     Here’s some exciting news!  Ms.50-something has a 3.83 GPA! I am quite pleased with that achievement, but I still want to do better. A GPA of 4.0 would have been my goal, but I had a “B” in one subject awhile back which negates that possibility. But then again, I may be hard pressed to maintain the 3.83 once I begin Biology and Algebra.

    Guess what?  There are two 50-somethings in my midst this semester, and both are… male!  Okay, one is my professor, but the other one is a student!  He is the first older male student that I’ve encountered.  (Keep in mind that they are both still younger than me.)  I could sense the student’s discomfort, as he made mention of the fact that he started college late. In this instance, I didn’t call attention to the fact that I am older and started even later.  If the men didn’t notice, I’m sure not going to tell them.  When there are men of “a certain age” around, I deem it more prudent not to accentuate the negative. 

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