Saturday, July 7, 2012

Good News

     Well, I have good news and I have more good news. The 1st tidbit of good news is that I earned an “A” in my “Introduction to Film” class. If I’d earned this many “A’s” in High School, I would have been in the Honor Society. Of course, I haven’t taken Algebra or Chemistry in college as yet. Those courses would certainly have an impact on my GPA, and not in a good way.
     The 2nd tidbit of good news is that the tortoise just got a second lease on life. It had looked as if the tortoise was on her way out. I have noticed for a couple of weeks that the car just didn’t sound right. So, while I was out and about the other day, I stopped to see my mechanic so he could have a listen. Turns out the valves in the engine were responsible for making the racket, and this could have proved the car’s demise. That certainly stirred up a bit of panic. Luckily for me, my mechanic, who I have been utilizing for nearly thirty years, was able to put a band aid on the car’s engine which will carry me through awhile longer. (He is the true “miracle worker” in my estimation). So, while my car was in the shop, I drove one of the son’s cars…Did I mention that it is a car without air conditioning? And that we are still in the midst of that heat wave?  Not to worry, I had lots of practice last weekend, when I was driving the tortoise with the heater running… Have you detected a pattern here? We all drive these amazing cars! It’s amazing that they are still running at all!

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