Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Driving Alone 2 - Lost in Cranford

     I am back in school for Summer II, Creative Writing. First let me say that on Thursday I will be bringing my GPS along, because tonight…. I got lost driving home from school!  No-it’s not what you’re thinking-it wasn’t a “semi-senior” moment.  I have a valid reason for this total lack of navigational ability.  The college is paving one of the parking lots, so I had to exit from the back of the campus, which is actually quite large, much to my chagrin.  I wound up deep in the center of town, and had not a clue as to where I was. Luckily I crossed paths with a jogger, who enlightened me as to my location and proposed escape route...Between you and I, this was not the first time that I’ve gotten lost while being a mere 3 miles from home, which is probably why 30-something son bought me the GPS to begin with...

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