Sunday, July 15, 2012

The Site I Love to Hate

     “Many of peoples’ comments, I don’t want to see.
     Rarely do I see the posts that are meant for me.”

           Perhaps it’s because I am getting older, but as time goes on, I am becoming increasingly disenchanted with using FB.  It is becoming too high tech for my simple, semi-senior mind. I have no interest in Timeline. I much preferred when FB was simpler, and I mainly saw posts from close friends and family.

     “Too bad FB doesn’t have spell check”.

      Do you know that in the movie “Goodfellas”, the “F” word was used over 400 times, over 200 by Joe Pesci’s character alone? I have seen that word used on FB so many times, it makes Goodfellas seem like Sunday School.  Now, I’m not necessarily a prude when it comes to profanity, and I have been known to utter an expletive or two occasionally (ha ha). However, I don’t condone putting it in writing on a public site. In addition, I will readily admit that I am offended by off color, and especially by demeaning, comics and comments.  Posting on FB, or even blogging for that matter, do not afford a person free license to berate, condemn, poke fun at, put down, etc., other people.
     One thing I’ve noticed is that a person’s character can become all too apparent when writing comments that seem, on the surface at least, to be nonchalant. Unattractive attributes such as vanity, condescension, derision, shallowness, insensitivity, ignorance, and additionally (my personal pet peeve) an inability to spell correctly, have become all too obvious, and far too common. At times, I have seen young people post insensitive comments, and then other people “liking” them, I mean people of a certain age, who ought to know better. Hello!!!  I would have hoped that by age 50-something, a person would have learned compassion and empathy. 

      “Why does FB have a “find friends” app? If they are your friends, wouldn’t you  know where they are?”

     I know where mine are. I also know who they are. Two dear friends, both far more technologically capable than I, have come to my rescue. They showed me how to “unsubscribe”. This way, I remain friends with everyone, but I am not compelled to see the dreaded spewing of offensive comments, etc. Does all of this mean that I am ready to close my account? Absolutely not!  FB is the site I love to hate. No matter how annoyed I become, I still continue to sign in three times a day…

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