Friday, July 13, 2012

A Somber Post

     Usually my posts are positive, upbeat, and hopefully, amusing. Not so today. I am deeply troubled by the senseless murder of Danielle Thomas, in Queens, NY.  This is the most abhorrent of crimes. She was sleeping when he got home....that really got to me...
     I wrote a poem for Danielle today. Although I didn't know her, I feel tremendous pain and anger over her murder. I have a real problem with domestic violence, and the perpetrators...This is a senseless, and far too common crime. R.I.P. Danielle, and many others like her.  May their deaths not be in vain.

I Wish

I wish I could have saved you.
Your life ended far too soon.
I wish I could have protected you
As you lay sleeping in your room.
I wish I could have heard your pleas
As you cried out for help.
I wish I could have provided 
A safe haven where you could dwell.
I wish there could have been some way
That you would have survived.
I wish you were still here on earth,
I'm so sad you had to die.

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