Wednesday, May 23, 2012

An Unconventional Student

     Fast forward to the end of the semester. I have earned an A in Psych. This was quite a plug for my confidence. As I have previously mentioned, I was a little intimidated at the beginning, since it had been so many years since I had done any studying. I must admit that I study far differently now than I did in my youth. I absorb as much about a subject as I can, the way parched earth absorbs a gentle rain. I read and reread my notes & text and am fascinated by how much I remember & how quickly. It is certainly easier when I embrace the subject, rather than procrastinating
     On to Western Civ 2. This should be a cinch given my head for dates. After introducing himself & taking attendance, Professor "R" asked the class when we had taken Western Civ 1. The responses were typical: last semester, last year, a couple of years ago, 1982. Whiplash! Say what? Professor "R" looked at me with amused bewilderment. “Do you remember any of it?” he asked.  Ha! Only that I got an A!
     I subsequently gave the professor a little of my background, and he indicated to me that lots of women are returning to college after their families are raised. (It is apparent to me that most of them are attending different colleges). My son’s girlfriend also indicated, in all seriousness, that there are plenty of “unconventional students like me" at her college. I never perceived myself as an unconventional student. I have now latched onto that description like an overzealous pit bull. I like to think it lends this combination writer/poet/student a bohemian air!

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