Wednesday, May 30, 2012

The "A" Word

     I have now started a class that I am certain to love: Introduction  to Film Study. How could I not? The class is comprised of the two things I enjoy most-writing, and movies! Not surprisingly, on the first night of class, the “A” subject comes up in a rather roundabout way. Professor is remarking about the glorious, albeit old, solid oak table where we are all seated. It was to be discarded, but he, having an appreciation for its beauty & solid craftsmanship, adopted it. “Class, do you see this beautiful table? Do you know that this table is older than anyone here?”  “Doubtful” I quipped. He (and the youngsters) looked at me with rapt surprise. Oh well, I am used to this by now. I subsequently relate this story to a friend (?) of mine, who shares his take on this scenario with me: “so now you’re not only older than the other students, you’re older than the furniture…”. Don’t let anyone ever tell you that being of a certain age doesn’t require being thick skinned!     
     Last night twenty-something son #2 came over to critique a paper that I wrote for class. While he was over, I pinned him down so he was compelled to read a few passages from my blog. He did find them amusing (no pretense). This confirmed to me what I already knew-that I communicate much more effectively through the written word. What I mean is, I may have the ability to write some jokes, but I could never do stand-up.

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