Sunday, May 27, 2012

On Being Technologically Challenged

     Being technologically challenged has caused me to have a meltdown. I need to access the school website to obtain criteria for one of my classes. It’s Saturday afternoon on Memorial Day weekend, and I can’t get in. The site is asking for authentication. As far as I know, I only need my Email address & password, but no matter what I try, I cannot access the required area. This particular application doesn’t offer an option like: “forget your password?”  I am locked out. Period. Do you think there is anyone at the school to contact on a Holiday weekend? Not! Now I am panic stricken, as I have a 5 page paper to write, and I don’t have all the information I need at hand. This frustration caused me to lose my temper, fists pounding, spurting expletives, and the subsequent, inevitable, crying jag. Once I dried my tears, I sought out my neighbor & we went for a long walk, and ultimately, finally, I calmed down. I reminded myself that writing does come easily to me, so I concentrated on other areas of the assignment that I had at my fingertips (and which, thankfully, didn’t require a freaking computer!). I assured myself that I will manage to have the paper completed in time for class on Thursday.
      One of the most frustrating aspects of being an older student is the technology. I can learn it, it just takes awhile. The younger students seem to instinctively understand it. On the other hand, I am able to add, subtract, multiply, divide, spell, and use proper grammar & punctuation, without resorting to electronics. That’s got to count for something!

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