Friday, May 11, 2012


     One thing I really like about today’s technology is the ease with which I can go back and make corrections, or revise & improve upon my work. I remember (vaguely) what it was like when we had to use typewriters and white-out. I find  Microsoft Word to be a Godsend. I even use it for homework, rather than hand writing everything. I am loathe to admit it, but writer’s cramp has become an issue. On more than one occasion I have seen Professor C watching with amusement as I flex my cramped hand during an exam. My only solace is in knowing that her turn will come, hopefully sooner rather than later. God, I wish I were ambidextrous….How convenient would that be?
     Professor C sometimes drifts off topic in class, and tonight was one of those nights. Her topic was Social Security. “You know, class, Social Security will not be around when you are ready to retire”. Before I could catch myself I blurted out that this will not be an issue for me….. My youngster classmates found this to be hilarious. I will be laughing all the way to the bank a few years from now (and no, I won’t admit to how many). She who laughs last, laughs best.

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