Saturday, May 5, 2012

Let's Get Serious For a Moment

     So far I have merely been taking a humorous look at my college experiences, but there is a serious side to this. You may wonder, why college? Why now? I am divorced. My sons are grown & independent. I have lots of friends & an active social life. Yet at 50-something, I am revisiting a place where I haven’t been in 30 years. Perhaps I want to correct past mistakes. Maybe I want to prove to myself that I can do this. But it’s more than that. I also want to set an example for my sons. I want to show them that I am resilient, that I have drive, that it is possible to overcome adversity, and that it is never too late too start over. Those mistakes I mentioned earlier, well, my sons were witness to some of them. I hope they have learned from me that we are all human, we all make mistakes, but that we have a responsibility to learn from our mistakes, and to try to do better next time. I also want to demonstrate that a quest for self improvement is something that we should keep alive in us, always.
     Additonally, I want to do things differently from my own parents. I am determined to make a life for myself and not become a burden to my sons. I vow not to be a meddling parent. My sons are adults, and they are entitled to live there own lives, as am I.      
     While initially I was insecure about returning to school, I have totally embraced my role as student, and it has become my main focus. I have a reawakened thirst for knowledge, but I also have a deep understanding of having spent a lifetime working at a job, rather than having pursued that which I loved, and love still today-writing. With maturity comes a whole new perspective. Granted, since I returned to school my social life has taken somewhat of a hit, but after having been a working mom of three, I am experienced at multitasking, and I am capable of doing a balancing act.
    So here I am on a Saturday night, surrounded by my books and my pooch, happily typing away at my computer. For me, it doesn’t get any better than this, and I am grateful.

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