Saturday, May 19, 2012

In Keeping With the Retirement Theme...

I wrote this poem recently for a coworker's retirement. I wanted to share it.


Retirement starts and the fun begins.
You’re embarking on a weekend that never ends.
No more nine to five. No more routine.
No more manufacturing in a plant that’s lean.
Say good bye to traffic. Bid farewell to gridlock.
Now it’s time to throw away that damned alarm clock.
Say hello to easy chairs, good books and sleeping in,
to having lots of time to spend with family and with friends.
It’s time to kick your shoes off, to sit back and relax.
You will no longer be a slave to the telephone, Email or fax.
If you find you miss us or you just want to say hi,
you can look us up on Facebook! We’re on it all the time!
Please do not forget all of the friends you leave behind.
Remember all the lunches, Christmas parties, and good times.
Keep in mind all of the years that we have spent together.
Please take time to keep in touch and we’ll stay friends forever.
We all have often heard it said that parting is such sweet sorrow,
But you will have forgotten all about work when it’s this time tomorrow!

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