Wednesday, May 9, 2012

The Quintessential Role Reversal

     In a true role reversal, I have enlisted my sons to “help me with my homework”. Twenty- something son #1 has spent numerous evenings quizzing me for my frequent psych tests. I have surprised myself (and him too, I think) with the speed of my responses to his questions, and also the fact that I have answered them all correctly. He’s been rewarding me with an hour of TV afterward!
      Twenty-something son # 2 has been enlisted to tutor me in Algebra. This should prove to be a challenge for him. I struggled with Algebra back in the day when all of my brain cells were not only present, but  fully functional.  
     Thirty-something son is assisting with logistics. He’s purchased & set up printers and scanners, installed software, and then demonstrated (repetitively) proper use for his technologically impaired mother. He has since moved out of town.
     It has taken all three of my sons to walk me through my first term paper. When I turned it in, Professor C was shocked when I told her that I had used books for my research. I actually went to the library & checked out 5 books! What’s wrong with that? Too antiquated, I guess. I was subsequently compelled to use the school database for my 2nd term paper. Professor C had the good (?) fortune to tutor me in that little endeavor…I hate to see a grown woman cry!

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