Wednesday, May 16, 2012

The Three R's-Retirement, Registration, & Rainbows

     You remember my little classmate "A", who photographed my essay with his phone? Well, recently we were discussing the degrees we are pursuing. He's working on a teaching degree, and as you know, my major is communications. With a look of earnest curiosity befitting his youth, he queried: "Marcy, what do you plan to do with your degree?" 
(You mean, what do I want to be when I grow up?) 
“Are you kidding?" I quipped, "by the time I finally earn it I'll be retired!” He looked about as surprised as a baby with a Jack in the Box. He apparently hadn't considered that notion...I guess the subject of retirement is an uncommon topic of conversation among my fellow students. 
     Did I tell you that I ran into my 50-something neighbor at registration for next semester recently? No, it's not what you’re thinking…she was registering her son for classes.
     A strange thing happened that day when I left the school after registering. It was storming, and on the way to my car I saw a rainbow. I hadn’t seen one in years, and interpreted it as a good omen. Considering all the A's I've been earning, it appears to be so.

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