Tuesday, April 23, 2013

"An Indistinguishable Clump"

     A friend of mine who is familiar with commuting suggested to me that I start listening to books on CD to make my time productive while I commute.  I never had the need before, but I do now, and I hate wasting time. So, I checked out a couple of websites, and then opted for my local library, since the price is right.  In other words, free!  I chose for my first selection, "Milkweed", a book about the Holocaust. (Nothing frivolous for me!)  In listening, I thought the dialogue was bordering on juvenile, but I attributed it to the author's writing style. I have read authors who narrate from a child's point of view, although the book is very much an adult read.  
     I subsequently read about this particular author, and I discovered that he had received some awards... for writing children's books.  I took a closer look, and came to the realization that my book of choice is on an 8th grade reading level.  Well, duh!  (I say that pretty often, don't I?)  I would have thought that the library might have differentiated between the various reading levels, and not simply have had the audio books grouped together in a big, indistinguishable clump.  Well, this isn't the first time in my adult life that I have "read" a children's book.  Besides, it sure beats "reading"  "Psych of Aging", or listening to the same oldies that I've been hearing for forty years.

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