Tuesday, April 2, 2013

"Directional Dunderhead"

      In the last twelve years, my sense of direction has not improved in the least. In fact, my sense of direction is as impaired as my technological ability.  Last evening, I had plans to meet my girlfriend at a nearby strip mall for dinner and some shopping.  The mall was actually en route to my son’s home, about 40 minutes away, or so I thought.  A short time after I left, my friend texted me (fairly quickly, actually) to let me know she had arrived.  Now I was compelled to call her, in a total sense of frustration, as I had passed the turn off to my son’s place, but had not located the mall.  I described the route to her, indicating that I had turned left onto the highway by Sears, which is only about 10 minutes from my apartment.  Well no wonder you can’t find it, she indicated, you were supposed to turn right... Oh, no.   To add insult to injury, the entire time I was driving, I had been watching the eastbound traffic, in a state of gratitude that I was going west, as east was quite congested, rather like a mall parking lot on the Saturday before Christmas.  I now had to make a U-turn and head east.  Finally, after traveling eastbound at a snail's pace, I passed Sears. One minute after that, I turned into the mall, where my starving friend was patiently waiting for me.  Kind of makes me wonder how I found my way to my various job interviews…Must have been due to the GPS.

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