Tuesday, April 23, 2013

"A Future Encounter"

     In case you haven't noticed, my blog of late has not touched on my college escapades as much as in the past.  I don't exactly know why, but this semester is kind of a drag.  (Isn't that the name of a song?)  I can't pinpoint why.  I'm not sure if it's the subject matter (why I would find Psychology of Aging boring?), or my (former) unemployment blues, or my preoccupation with my new job, and the rigors of becoming acclimated to working and commuting.  Oh, and let's not forget maternal guilt.  Poor Buddy is now alone a good portion of the time, and I am loathe to leave him at night.
      I am struggling to get through this semester, and, to be blunt, I can't wait for it to be over.  I have to say that there are nights I come out of class feeling quite depressed (like I need any encouragement in that arena).  I am on a downhill slide, and I know it.  One of my classmates was quite frank when she indicated that this particular class "scares the crap out of her".  Me too.  Except I'm old enough to be her mother.  Maybe that's it-too much reality.  Our text book is about me, in the not too distant future. As I have mentioned previously, many of my fellow students are younger than I, and are pursuing careers in health care.   Consequently, I have a much different attitude than they do.  By the way, I guess I should be nice to them.  Chances are I'm destined for a future encounter with the gerontology majors.

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