Sunday, April 14, 2013

"Two for the Books"

      Everyone knows how anal I am about correct spelling.  Well, I saw two for the record books this past week. I had dinner at a restaurant that had for one of the entrees "spaghetti and meetballs".  As irked as I was by that, I would have liked to meet up with the server when he got off of work...
     The other word was so badly mangled, that I couldn't have even imagined it. It was so badly mangled, I could feel the vibration from Daniel Webster spinning... It was so badly mangled, even spell check couldn't figure it out. Can you guess what this is:  con-ceiled.  OMG!  Did the person mean concealed?  I could barely conceal my horror when I saw this one...Perhaps I should devote an entire blog to misadventures in spelling...

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