Sunday, November 11, 2012


Five mornings in a row
I woke up with vertigo.
I still had to walk my dog,
So off, stumbling, I did go.

     Vertigo is a new ailment. The symptoms just started a week or so ago, and they last for about the first twenty minutes that I am up in the morning. I wobble around the apartment, and outside walking Buddy, my arms extended in the air like a novice surfer, trying to stay balanced. Thirty-something son likens me to an old car that simply needs to be warmed up. I liken him to someone I still have authority to discipline.
     I had my first date with the comedian last evening.  It was the closest thing to a blind date than I have had in more than thirty years.  Relatively speaking, it went pretty well.  I have read and reread my trusty dating manual, “The Rules, Time Tested Secrets for Capturing the Heart of Mr. Right”. (I’m pretty sure I told you about that book. My best friend picked it out for me…)  My mother told me some of this stuff years ago, but I never believed her.  Now it’s time to test these theories…
      The fellow seems pretty nice.  If he were a woman, I would liken him to a “chatty Cathy”, which is actually good for me, since I tend to be quiet.  (I am only wordy when I write. You know that about me by now).  The strange thing is, he looks a lot like my ex.  A couple of times I near did a double take because of the resemblance…Do you want to hear a very odd coincidence?  I have a favorite road to drive on that is centrally located within the state, in an area that I visit about once per year. It is very rural, with farms on either side.  He lives on that road…How weird is that?  Hopefully, it’s a good omen.

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