Sunday, January 25, 2015

HAAA or How Annoying Are Acronyms?

     HOAA (how annoying are acronyms)?  You see them everywhere.  They RTUH (rear their ugly heads) in all types of CC (correspondence and communication), so much so, that I keep an AI (acronym index) on my desk next to my ED (emoticon directory), so that IKWPATA  (I know what people are talking about) and WETAE (what emotions they are experiencing).  WTF!  (what the fudge!).
     SAO (sometimes acronyms overlap), meaning two or three phrases PTSA (possess the same acronym), LMRC (leaving me really confused), a confusion that has NTDWD (nothing to do with dementia).  In these modern times, PCCI (people can communicate instantaneously), but NOK (no one knows) what anyone else ITA (is talking about).  Additionally, peoples' ATS (ability to spell) diminishes exponentially with EPD (every passing day).  LINATM! (Life is not a text message!).  SIO!  (spell it out!)  TI,IYKH...(that is, if you know how...)  Sarcastic, I know.  But my readers are FA (fully aware) that I am a SpSn (spelling snob). 
     WIB (while I'm bitching), and NTBR (not to be redundant), an Email is NAC! (not a conversation!).   IAL! (It's a letter!)  I sometimes find it VD (not what you're thinking-Very Difficult-this is another of those overlapping acronyms I was telling you about) to access, read, or print my Emails.  I used to be able to open them in a PUW (pop up window), as if I were OAL (opening a letter), but that is NLP (no longer possible) because the Email is POAC (part of a conversation).  HF (Heaven forbid) that I should need to VAE (view an Email) that was PR (previously received).  I am CC (completely clueless-as opposed to correspondence and communication) then.  I think someone should invent TFOP (technology for old people).  Given the EHN (extraordinarily high numbers) of BB (Baby Boomers), there is DAM (definitely a market).  DYA? (don't you agree?)  It's the young people who are ITM (in the minority).  MSI (my son insinuates) that I don't have a HF (huge following) OMB (on my blog) because people in my age group DNWABI (don't know what a blog is).  I daresay-HR! (he's right!)
    I know IMBGO (I must be getting old), because my patience for the YG (younger generation) DD (not Dunkin-diminishes daily).  IMY (In my youth) INT (I never thought) I would mimic my MG (mother's generation), but that day has come, and ATQ (all too quickly).  HG (Her generation) used to think the seventies WB (were bad), and ATT (no, not the phone company-at the time) I could not fathom why.  I can't BTI (begin to imagine) what they would think if they were OTW (of this world) now.  BIDUTT  (But I do understand their thinking).  Ah, TBYA... (to be young again...)
     Now, imagine if the only way to read this entire post was to revert back to an AI (acronym index) in order to comprehend what I am trying to say.  Daunting, isn't it? And tedious?  YB! (You betcha!)

"Let us make a special effort to stop communicating with each other, so we can have some conversation."*
*Mark Twain


Anonymous said...

The blog made me laugh or should I say lol.

Anonymous said...
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