Saturday, January 10, 2015

Blog Evoluton

     After nearly three years, my blog has not exactly turned out as I had expected, or originally intended.  Initially, it was meant to be a parody of my college experiences as a semi-senior citizen.  There is not always enough material to write about in that vein however, so the blog has branched out to cover various other aspects of my life, including my failed attempts at internet dating, my love of movies, my opinions and pet peeves, and life experiences in general.  Pursuing a college education remains an important goal, however, as I am slowly, but surely, closing in on a 2 year degree.   I am currently taking the dreaded government and politics courses that I had procrastinated about, having earned an "A" in the first course, and having the second course scheduled for the upcoming semester.  Quite frankly, I surprised myself by earning that "A", as I absolutely detest politics.  The amount of material was often overwhelming, and I was very skeptical about my abilities in the beginning, as I always am, actually.  At times, wanted to throw in the towel, as the challenge was daunting.  I persevered, though, as this goal is so important to me.  I have made it a priority, and I am determined not to  allow other challenges that I face to interfere with it.  I long for the day when I will be attired in cap and gown, with my sons in attendance as I receive my diploma.  As I receive Emails from the college on the topic of graduation, I am keenly aware that this particular goal is well within my reach, looming ever closer on my horizon.  I expect my graduation will coincide with my eligibility for Social Security.  I'm sure there won't be many in my graduating class able to boast that claim!  Perhaps I will reward myself by retiring!

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