Monday, August 5, 2013

"Pricey Pie"

     More often than not, my eyes are bigger than my stomach. Both are bigger than my wallet.  I've had this insatiable craving for a peach pie for most of the summer.  (God forbid I should make one...)  Yesterday I had plans with one of the sons to go to his place and watch a classic movie, so I determined that this would be a good time to indulge, especially since it would just be the two of us.  (Okay, sometimes I'm a little greedy with food, especially where sweets are concerned).  I headed to the bakery behind my apartment (how convenient is that? Oh, and there's a Friendly's within walking distance.  Sounds lethal, don't you agree?)  Anyway, I decided instead to get a "very berry" pie, because that is what my son likes.  Well, by the time I got to the bakery, they were sold out of both.  So instead I chose a deep dish apple blackberry pie, requesting that the girl box it without asking the price.  That was mistake number one.  "That will be $17.99" she announced.  I responded quicker than a baker can peel an apple:  "I beg your pardon? $7.99?"  No ma'am (she would call me ma'am. If she were a waitress, that would have meant no tip).  "$17.99", she reiterated.   I briefly considered sarcastically suggesting that they may keep it, but ultimately,  I (grudgingly) opened my wallet and forked over the one cent shy of $18.00, more than a little furious that they would charge such an exorbitant amount of money for a pie. A pie!  Now, I make one of the best apple pies ever, so while driving over to my son's house, I seriously pondered a change of career. 
     My son was absolutely incredulous when he saw the size of the pie I brought for just the two of us.  Observing the magnitude of the pie in his kitchen, I had to wonder myself ... especially considering it wasn't even the kind we really wanted! Oh, and did I mention...we're both on diets? 

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