Thursday, September 13, 2012

"Everything I Learned..."

    Everything I learned, I learned in college. Too bad I waited until I was 50-something to attend…Okay, that isn’t exactly true. If there is one thing I have had in my life, it is an education. It just didn’t take place in a classroom.  I have had an education in “lifespan”, encompassing elements of psychology (child and abnormal), home and finance management, nursing, and communications.  I excelled at some of these “studies”, but failed miserably at others.  Luckily for me, life offers us second chances.  I believe my stint in college is going to complement and enhance that which I have already learned, as well as shed light on some problem areas. 
     This semester, I am studying the evolution of film with my favorite professor.  This class is considerably different from the last one, and I believe it will be more challenging.  The movies are different than anything I would have watched without prodding, which will give me exposure to something new and different.  The same is true of my Fiction & Film class.  I am already expanding my horizons, as I am reading books that are politically oriented, as well as the NY Times, and Barron’s.  (Don’t fault me-I’ve been reading Good Housekeeping and Parents’ magazines all these years. It's not like I simply read the Enquirer...)
     One of my professors was relating to the class about one of his teachers, who is…allergic to chalk dust…Can you imagine?  Claritin, take me away…

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